Many professional horsemen are skilled in communicating with horses from years of experience in the horse business. Getting the message across to horses effectively is essential to a profitable horse business. While many professional horsemen are outstanding at “whispering”, their people communication skills could use some basic ground work.
The nature of communication with people is not unlike how we communicate with our horses; we use verbal and non-verbal methods. It would seem that communicating with humans would be so much easier since we share common language that can be understood by all. But the reality is that it is challenging to communicate with people, especially about their riding or their horses. How many times have you wished that you could apply just a little poll pressure to make your point to a client who doesn’t understand your message? Unfortunately, applying poll pressure or using a curb chain is not an option in your horse business.
Communicating with horses is much easier in many ways than communicating with people. Horses, by nature, are followers and content being part of a herd following their leader. We humans, however, are independent creatures and not always receptive to listening intently or concentrating on the best way to deliver a message.
As a professional horseman how do you become better at People Whispering?
- Study body language for humans. Your body language and your customer’s body language “speak” volumes of information. There are many good books describing body language, crossed arms for example, and what it means.
- Say what you want to say in the simplest terms possible. Often, what we want to convey to our customers is new information. Keeping things simple and understandable is a key to successful communication. Save the flowery language for someone else.
- Polish your public speaking skills at a Toastmaster group. The right toastmaster group will help you become polished at speaking not only to groups but on a one on one basis. (click here for Toastmasters information)
- Use diagrams and pictures when practical. “A picture is still worth a thousand words”, putting your ideas, concepts and observations in a stick figure drawing will help you get your point across.
- Learn to listen. The art of listening is seldom practiced in business communication. Often, business people who take the time to listen carefully to what their customers want, get a new perspective.
Good communication skills will separate your brand of horse business from everyone else. Good communication does not mean you have to be a contest winning orator or someone who speaks like an Ivy League professor. Make a difference in your horse business success by becoming a People Whisperer.