Goal Setting for 2012 Made Easy
You've heard and read plenty about setting goals for your business at the start of a New Year. For some, it's an easy process of sitting down and writing. For others, it is as painful as a root canal and a task slowed by procrastination. But without goals, you can be certain your progress in your business and in your life will be governed by chance instead of your design. If you're stuck on how to get started on targeting your goals for 2012, here is an easy way to get the process started. It's a simple list process for identifying what's on your mind and getting it in writing. Simply begin the process with a pencil and a sheet of paper and create two columns. Title the adjacent columns MORE and LESS. Take a break with your favorite hot beverage and start jotting down what comes to mind. You'll be surprised how easily your thoughts are recorded in the two lists.
You've got momentum now! Get ready to begin shaping your intentions of more and less into goals at your next session. |