Market Methodically For Better Profit in 2012
A business is either expanding or it's shrinking. It never stays the same. And if more profit is of interest to you for 2012, it's going to be a result of you planning your marketing for the next twelve months, NOW. Start with a wall calendar for the 12 months of 2012. Write in all of the events you intend to have at your farm. Here's a list to get you started: - Horse shows
- Parties
- Clinics
- Sales
- Open houses
- Demonstrations
- Summer Camps
- "Spruce up" days for grounds, jumps, obstacles, fences, flower beds, etc.
- Special events
Next, write in the events you'll be attending off the farm: - Horse shows as exhibitor
- Horse shows as spectator
- Horse Sales
- Equine Expositions
- Training clinics as rider
- Training clinics as auditor
- Professional development-workshops and seminars, annual meetings

There you have it, the start of your methodical marketing program for 2012. The calendar provides the visual catalyst for highlighting marketing take action dates as you develop your marketing program incorporating some or all of these ideas: - e-mail
- electronic newsletters
- snail mail newsletters, flyers and announcements
- postings on your website
- blog posts
- Facebook posts
- Print advertising
- Webinars and teleseminars
- Interviews
- Press releases
- Videos on your website and Youtube
The hardest thing about marketing is getting started. Why not start now to make your marketing program get you the profit results you deserve from your hard work! . |