Why Would You Read A Book When You Can Watch A Movie?
Reading newspapers, magazines and books for information is as natural for me as breathing.
But of course it is, I'm a member of the baby boomer generation and reading printed material was all we had available as a resource for a long time.
When my thirteen year old son, Phillip, was asking me for help one night for material for a homework project, I suggested he look for a few books on the subject and read for the research information.
He responded, "Why would you read a book when you can watch a movie? I'll look on youtube."
His answer hit me like the entire Encyclopedia Britannica falling on my head.
Of course, I overlooked the preferred media of Gen X and Gen Y, the other resource, VIDEO.
And you could be overlooking video as a marketing tool for your business.
- Horses for sale
- Lesson demos
- Walking tours of your farm or ranch
- Client testimonials
- How-to-tips
- Clinic demos and promotions
- Interviews
I practice what I preach. I put together a video with my flip video camera and uploaded it to youtube as an example.
My goal in making it was to shoot it in one take, edit a bit and upload it. It's got a few rough spots, but so does every conversation you and I have during the day.
Click on the image below to load the video.
But, Click the back button on your browser when you're done watching to read my musings in the Back At The Barn section.

Click on image above to view video
Others Have Said |
'Actions speak louder than words, but not nearly as often."--Mark Twain
"Everything is funny as long as it is happening to someone else."--Will Rogers
"When hurry becomes the standard, how do you put a rush on things?"--The Pitchfork Philosopher
Have Voice, Will Travel.

There is no easy path to success in this business of horses. Clients and audiences I've talked to have confirmed that reality many times.
I've been writing this newsletter about success in the business of horses since 2005. It's brief and takes only a few minutes to read. That's because my intention is to provide an idea, ask a question or simply inspire you.
Some weeks I write them just for you; because you need to be reminded about something you've temporarily forgotten.
Other weeks, I write them just for your friends, your colleagues and competitors because they need a nudge, too.
The responses I get from readers assure me that I'm helping and making a difference in their businesses.
This week, I'd like your help with my goal of helping 10,000 horsemen in the next ten years become profitable horsemen. I'm looking for public speaking opportunities to associations, groups, councils and businesses to tell the story about success in the horse business.
Please contact me about your group's event, the subject and the possibilities. E-mail me here or call me (716) 434-5371.
Back At The Barn |
We've got three stalls in our indoor arena that are for temporary use. (temporary means always full)
I do the last feeding of hay and night check around 10:00 P.M. before heading to the house for the night.
Last week, Charles went to the indoor arena in the morning to feed and was greeted by a new horse, Cooper, and Rascal at the door and loose in the arena.
The jury convened on the cause of loose horses and after seconds of deliberation, found me guilty of failing to latch the stall doors the night before. Sentencing was set for a later date. "Early senility" was heard muttered in the courtroom.
A funny thing happened the next day when Cooper was found after the morning feeding loose again in the arena, returned to his stall and then securely latched in.
An hour later, you've guessed it, loose again. Cooper, an innocent looking Quarter Horse, is Houdini reincarnated.
I'm still waiting for the official pardon from the family court.
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I help professional horsemen and horsewomen struggling with the business half of the horse business.
Not enough time, not enough money or not enough of the right people working for you?
Is your horse boarding business unprofitable?
Contact me to see if I can help.
Until next time,
Doug Emerson
Profitable Horseman  | | |