You May Want Your Customers to Start Acting Like Kindergartners
You may call it coincidence, synchronicity or law of
attraction when it happens to you.
And "it" refers to
when the thought, thing or person you need to know appears at that moment
when you need it the most.
"It" for me this
time was how to tell boarding customers, in a nice way, that the barn, like a functioning family,
has rules to be followed.
The answer appeared to me in a flash as I was sorting through my pile of old books destined for new homes.
Author Robert Fulghum's manifesto on the back cover of his book almost mugged me for attention.
"All I Really Need to
Know I Learned In Kindergarten" by Robert Fulghum ,copyright 1986, is old
enough to be new again. His book is a
masterpiece of simplicity and has on the back cover a solution for most of the
problems people create between each other.
If you operate a boarding, lesson or training barn and
haven't had customer vs. customer conflicts, you probably also say you've never
been bucked off, too.
And the 37 Barn Rules you posted on the bulletin board are most likely as warm and fuzzy as an IRS Notice.
There's no getting around it, people have conflicts with
others from time to time and Fulghum has some good advice in his book.
You might want to adapt some of his
philosophy and post it as your barn rules inspired by "All I Really Need to
Know I Learned in Kindergarten".
Here is part of Fulghum's philosophy:
- Play
- Don't
Hit People
- Put
Things Back Where You Found Them
- Clean
Up Your Own Mess
- Don't
Take Things That Aren't Yours
- Say
Your Sorry When You Hurt Somebody
Simplicity always trumps complexity. If your barn rules aren't working, Fulghum's
approach may be worth a try.
That's all for now. I'm off to follow his advice: "warm
cookies and cold milk are good for you and take a nap every afternoon."
Others Have Said |
"Every horse thinks his own pack heaviest."--Thomas Fuller
"There is nothing wrong with making mistakes. Just don't respond with encores."--Anon.
'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat."--F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Have Voice, Will Travel. I had great fun speaking at The Syracuse, NY Sporthorse Invitational at its Equinomics Seminar last week.
About 40 people attended the seminar. Welcome new subscribers!
I'd like your help with my goal of
helping 10,000 horsemen in the next ten years become profitable horsemen. I'm
looking for public speaking opportunities to associations, groups, councils and
businesses to tell the story about success in the horse business.
Please contact me about your group's event,
the subject and the possibilities.
E-mail me here or call me (716) 434-5371.
Back At The Barn
Like most parents, I read bed time stories to the children to help them go to sleep. We read piles of books, but just a few stood out as my favorites.
Included on the favorite list was "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak.
When the movie hit the theatre a few weeks ago, we put the horses to bed early to take in the new movie adaptation of the book with two of our children.
A book adapted to film is always a challenge for the director and I wasn't surprised my family had a mix of reviews. I enjoyed it.
"Let the wild rumpus start", King Max said in the land of the Wild Things.
Reminds you of a lot of countries, perhaps?
Announcing: Profitable Horseman Teams Up With Equine Genie Horse Management Software
I didn't need an anvil to drop on my head to get me to recognize that Bob Valentine, Ph.D, the creator of equine Genie software, had produced a true management
software for equine businesses.
I'm now working with Bob to get the word out about this powerful management tool unlike any other software on the market for horsemen. It's a complete financial and horse management program.
And, it's so easy to use, even I can do it!
equineGenie is the
first of several equine management products that will get horse business people
away from their computers and into their businesses assisting them in doing:
- the
right things
- at the right time
- for the right reasons
equineGenie helps you manage your time conserve your cash, and improve the bottom line as you grow your
Nothing falls through the
cracks when equineGenie is your Assistant Manager, Personal Assistant and
Financial Analyst. Let me demonstrate to you, via a private webinar from your computer in the comfort of your office how this software is one tool you can't afford not to have!
E-mail me here: And we'll get you scheduled for a live webinar demonstration of the software and specific tips for your business on how you can put it into action immediately for a more profitable business.
I help professional horsemen and horsewomen struggling with the business half of the horse business.
Not enough time, not enough money or not enough of the right people working for you?
Is your horse boarding business unprofitable? Contact me to see if I can help.
Until next time,
Doug Doug Emerson Profitable Horseman  |