Imaginary Competition-
Ghost Riders In Your Mind |
"There is less competition out there than you think there is."
That's what Robert Middleton of action plan marketing , a small business marketing expert, told me and forty one others at a seminar last week. I made a note immediately of Robert's words because they made me think about how they applied to professional horsemen. The business of horses usually includes competition at a horse show. At most levels, horse show competition is good for your business because it demands additional service from you to help clients prepare and compete in the show ring. Rider instruction, horse training and horse conditioning are part of the mix of services required from horse owners who desire to compete and have the ability to pay. Classes are often large in numbers and can be intimidating to entrants. But, in spite of first impressions of expensive outfits, custom saddles and flashy horses, there isn't always as much competition in the show ring as you'd might think at first glance.
After just a few minutes watching large classes most judges have made their picks for the ribbons. They may juggle the placing order for a few more minutes, but it's certain the rest of the class will wait for another day to hear their numbers called by the announcer. In business, things often work the same way.
The field of competitors in the boarding, lesson, and training areas is full, but very few are worthy enough to be in the ribbons. Think about the boarding business operator who has low rates and broken fences, dusty hay and empty water buckets. This business person won't get looked at any longer than a rearing horse in a pleasure class. Consider the riding instructor who screams, insults and embarrasses students. A bad attitude and poor instruction technique are as appealing as a reining horse without a sliding stop.
Horse trainers who use shortcuts, cheat on ride time and guarantee thirty day miracles are as obvious as a flat tire on a wheelbarrow The point is that business competition is very similar to a horse show class. It's possible to be psyched out at the business entry gate with:
- I'm not good enough
- My competitors have a better facility
- Nobody will pay me more than I'm charging
- My horses aren't good enough
But, if you deliver service with value and honesty, help your clients get what they want and show up every day for work with confidence in yourself to succeed, you'll find that the true number of your competitors is far less than you imagine. And that will guarantee your business a place in the ribbons every year. |
Others Have Said |
"The biggest things are always the easiest to do because there is no competition."
--William van Horne
"Education is hanging around until you've caught on."
--Robert Frost
"A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing."
--Emo Phillips
Back At The Barn |
I walked off the stage with a college diploma long ago, but never lost my desire to learn more about subjects that interest me. Easy Internet access and search engines provide instantaneous answers to many of my questions, but devoted classroom time for learning provides a richer experience.
That was exactly what I found attending Robert Middleton's seminar in Toronto last week. I've read his weekly electronic newsletter for years now and have bought his books and recordings. He has about 50,000 readers on his weekly mailing list.
Mastermind group friends Paul Copcutt and Sandra De Freitas and I were delighted when Middleton accepted our invitation for dinner the night before the seminar. Great conversation, a good meal and the opportunity to get to know Robert a little better off stage were the benefits for us.
He readily admitted he'd had many difficult moments in the growth of his business. But, he chose to keep moving forward with his goals. It was no surprise to hear that he was a student of many business leaders along his career path. Continuing education is a pattern that is common to all successful people and that's why they have so few true competitors.
Need A Speaker About The Horse Business? |
Call or e-mail me about possibilities for your event.
Call me (716) 434-5371. | |
I talk with professional horsemen from all over each week about their businesses. Some I can help right away, some aren't quite ready and I refer some to others better suited to help them.
Phone or e-mail me to discuss your situation and the possibilities. The only thing that holds you from success is you.
Until next time,
Doug Doug Emerson Profitable Horseman  |
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Equimax - the leading horse industry employment service since 1986, has launched a study of horse industry compensation. Finally, information on salaries, benefits, housing, vacation, commissions, bonuses, and more will be available for horse industry jobs free of charge.
For a limited time, anyone who provides compensation data on at least one job will be given f*ree access to the results.