Deep In Your Business Saddle |
"Sit deep
in the saddle!", my riding instructor shouted
long ago. "Huh? Sit
deep! This ain't no Lazy-Boy recliner, It's a
bouncing rock! It's all I can do to
maintain my balance", I whispered to
myself. You may have had the same thoughts
when you were first learning how to ride,
too. And then one day, you got
it. It all began to make
sense. Sitting deep is an
abstract concept as well as a literal
concept. Literally, it
means eliminate that bouncing and being in synch with
your horse. In an abstract
sense it means:
- You are balanced
- You have good posture and image
- You have confidence and a good attitude
- You enjoy a sense of "knowing" and maintain
contact and connections
aren't those items the traits that successful business
people have in common? Leading your
business through this uncertain economic time calls for
sitting deep in the saddle for your business. When
you sit deep and tall you are:
Maintaining contact
with clients and your suppliers
Reinforcing positive
attitudes for employees
Living your mission
to achieve your goals
Projecting your image of
strong character and opening opportunities
for success When you are
sloppy seated you are:
- Attracting criticism from others
- Unbalanced with your business vision
- Holding your team back and letting your clients
- Inviting a premature invitation to exit the
When challenged with days in
business that make you want to let loose with a primal
scream, remember the basics. Sit
deep, focus and keep smiling.
Others Have
Said |
"Ambition often puts men upon doing the
meanest offices; so climbing is performed in the same
posture with creeping." -- Jonathan
one's posture is upright, one has no need to fear a
crooked shadow." -- Chinese
"It's pretty
clear now that what looked like it might have been some
kind of counterculture is, in reality, just the plain
old chaos of undifferentiated weirdness." --
Back At The
Barn |
Thoroughbred racing fans will be focused on the
Belmont Stakes tomorrow with Big
Brown's attempt to win the Triple Crown.
Despite quarter cracks, trash talk and
inappropriate animal welfare concern, the
race will go on and I'll be hiking into the house from
the barn in time to see the event. I'll be
cheering for Big Brown. I love
coffee and was delighted when our son, Will,
started working as a barista at Starbucks.
I still have a problem with Starbucks jargon for
coffee sizes. A tall is a small and this is a
complete disconnect for my linear programmed brain. But
marketing jargon is everything with Starbucks and true
starbuckians speak the lingo and the employees love
it. But, they love only
Regional coffee shop Tim
Horton's has its own
Timspeak. Patrons order
"double-doubles" for double cream-double sugar.
Starbucks baristas become annoyed with
the "double- double" customer ordering at their
drive thru. They say nothing, but gently
acknowledge the order back in Starbuckspeak.
Before a meeting in Rochester, NY yesterday, I
stopped for a quick cup of joe at a trendy coffee shop
which had a sign that proclaimed a $5.00
service charge for ordering
tall, venti or
grande. They had their own
jargon, but I couldn't bring myself to order a small cup
of coffee with the shop's preferred term,
little. Real men
just don't order
little! My small
coffee was produced as ordered, small,
without correction or
Need A Speaker About The Horse
Business? |
Call or e-mail me about possibilities for your
Call me (716)
434-5371. | |
I talk with professional horsemen from all
over each week about their businesses. Some I can
help right away, some aren't quite ready and I
refer some to others better suited to help
Phone or e-mail me to discuss your situation and
the possibilities.
Until next week,
Doug Doug
Emerson Profitable Horseman  | | |