The Profitable Horseman's Newsletter The only weekly electronic newsletter published for Professional Horsemen.
August 31, 2007

If you are struggling with finding enough time, enough money and enough of the right people in your horse business, then it may be time to get some help.
If you are looking for different results in your horse business, we should have a conversation about how Profitable Horseman strategies can help. (716) 434-5371

Read about these items this week:
  • Horse Business Workshop
  • 3 Reasons Why E-Mail Addresses Are As Important As Your Rolodex
  • Speaking about the Horse Business...
  • Others have said
  • Back at the Barn
  • You can make money in the horse business!

  • 3 Reasons Why E-Mail Addresses Are As Important As Your Rolodex

    I stopped at the glass repair shop this week for four 8" X 10" panes of glass to repair an "old fashioned" wood window sash. I like the owner of the shop and go out of my way to buy glass there.

    "It'll be just a few minutes", he said, "I don't have precut panes anymore, there isn't as much demand for repair panes as in the past."

    As I watched him skillfully measure, cut and newspaper wrap the glass, I offered, "Is that because so few people have wood sash windows now?"

    "Sure is. Most windows are double pane sealed glass that I have to order from the factory; glazing windows is becoming an uncommon art."

    The conversation reminded me of the hundreds of traditional businesses like window glass repair that chose not to change as their markets changed. Start thinking about buggy whip makers and progress to hand washboard manufacturers and makers of men's hats and women's white gloves. Flash forward to television repair shops, print shops and corner full serve gas stations.

    The product or service changed; the business model did not.

    Large corporations in the manufacturing, wholesale and retail business simply ran over the tops of the Mom and Pop businesses.

    Thankfully, Wal*Mart hasn't decided to enter the horse business yet. But that doesn't mean the equine industry is not changing.

    If you haven't noticed it changing, I'm here to tell you it is. Your clients/customers are not the same as they were five years ago.

    They are more demanding and less patient.

    Now, that's not a criticism; it's an observation. And I confess, I'm more demanding and less patient than I was five years ago and you probably are too.

    So how do you offer more in less time?

    One way is to leverage e-mail and collect your prospects' and clients' e-mail addresses. Right after you ask for the phone number, get the e-mail address next.

    Here are three good reasons why you should:

    1. Closer Contact with Customers - An e-mail will serve the purpose to announce changes in farrier schedules, veterinarian visits, announce barn picnics, dinners, gatherings, lesson program changes. Additionally, e-mail allows for invoicing, answering questions and following up with lesson and training progress. As a customer, wouldn't you agree that, most of the time, you just want to know that you are getting attention from the professionals and businesses you use? How would you feel getting an e-mail from: your attorney on your case progress, your tax preparer telling you that you can pick up your finished return tomorrow or from your mechanic to remind you the truck inspection expires this month?

    2. Sell Horses, Saddles, Trailers, Equipment - A picture may be worth even more than one thousand words today. Since there is more to read and less time to read it all, a picture of a horse e-mailed to your network of colleagues, customers and prospects is a time saver for you and the recipient. Digital photography is just too easy to be ignored. Take picture, e-mail, done.

    3. Maintain Dialogue with Your Prospects - I'm privileged to have you reading this e-mailed newsletter. It's relatively inexpensive for me to produce, easy for you to read for business value and it allows you to make a decision about whether I may be able to be of help to you now or in the future.

    Is there an easier way than e-mail to maintain dialogue with your prospects in your business?

    No doubt about it, you're still in a centuries old business that is relatively unchanged featuring animals harnessed and ridden with leather.

    But, your iPod accessorized, cell phone driven, convenience and comfort seeking customers and prospects keep changing faster every day and your business should keep in step with them.

    Speaking about the Horse Business...

    Need a speaker about the horse business for your horse organization?

    Talk to me about talking. Keynotes and workshops available. (716) 434-5371

    Others have said

    "People who ask our advice almost never take it. Yet we should never refuse to give it, upon request, for it often helps us to see our own way more clearly." -- Brendan Francis

    "There is nothing to write about, you say. Well then, write and let me know just this - that there is nothing to write about; or tell me in the good old style if you are well. That's right. I am quite well" -- Pliny the Younger

    "A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences." -- Dave Meurer

    Back at the Barn

    I suppose my wife and I are like many horsemen who are responsible for the daily care of their horses. Getting away is never easy and sometimes, it's easier to stay at home than it is to travel. We chose to "get away" earlier this week to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.

    We didn't plan for an exotic vacation, though. It was a 25/25 celebration. We took 25 hours off in the middle of the week to enjoy a 50 mile road trip, a delicious uninterrupted dinner for two, followed by viewing the movie "The Bourne Ultimatum".

    A relaxing visit to Letchworth State Park the following day made for a perfect "vacation". We both agreed on the ride home that even though the vacation was only 25 hours long, it made a big difference.

    When was the last time you treated yourself to a break?

    You can make money in the horse business!
    Doug Emerson photo

    I work with Professional Horsemen who are struggling with the business half of the horse business.

    Just like a top performing horse has a strong foundation, so does a top performing horse business.

    If you've had enough with not enough: time, money or the right people in your horse business, call or e-mail and we can talk, no fee, no pressure, about your business and how I may be able to help you.

    The first step to improvement is up to you.

    Welcome to new subscribers this week. If you know other horsemen who would enjoy this newsletter, please forward it to them!

    I appreciate your help !


    Horse Business Workshop
    gvrdc chalk

    It's back to school time all over North America and there is a seat for you in a classroom in West Bloomfield, NY thanks to the Genesee Valley Riding and Driving Club and the Genesee Valley Breeders Association.

    If you live in Western or Central New York State,

    click here for the details.

    P.S. You may even get homework.

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