The Profitable Horseman's Newsletter The only weekly electronic newsletter published for Professional Horsemen.
August 3, 2007

Are you tired of trying to make money in the horse business the old way? I help professional horsemen find new and better methods to add to the profitability of their businesses.
Welcome New Subscribers!

in this issue
  • Want to Transform Your Horse Business with More Profit and better balance between work, rest & play?
  • What Everybody Ought to Know About Duct Tape and Baling Wire
  • Speaking about the Horse Business...
  • Others have said
  • Back at the Barn
  • You can make money in the horse business!

  • What Everybody Ought to Know About Duct Tape and Baling Wire

    Hundreds of years ago, horses and sailing ships were the most effective modes of transportation for man and cargo for land and sea travel. Sailing ships were the backbone of world trade. Appropriately, just like horses, sailing has provided many sayings that flavor our language. For example, "by the way", "windfall" and "the bitter end" are expressions that are the contribution of sailors.

    When a storm or accident at sea damaged a boat's mast and rigging, sailors were forced to improvise the repair with any material they had on hand in order to get to home port. The term jury-rigging was first used to describe the creative repair process. Lately, I've noticed that folks on terra firma use jury-rigging methods on a regular basis, even if the right repair is readily available.

    Let me confess first, I've done my fair share of jury-rigging for quick problem solving and enjoy the creative challenge. Give me locking pliers, duct tape and baling wire and I will find a way to fix anything. The problem with jury-rigging is that we often forget that it's only a temporary solution.

    When the jury-rigged ship got back to port, the vessel's owners made a permanent repair. They knew the foolishness of sending a ship back out to sea with less than perfect sails and rigging. Failure to make the correct repair could endanger the health and safety of the crew and cause the loss of revenue from the cargo.

    Put this next sentence in the "I wish someone had told me this long ago" column.

    Successful professional horsemen are in business because they have already tried all of the jury-rigged shortcuts and know they don't work.

    All of us are interested in saving money and one of the best ways to save money over the long ride is to make permanent repairs.

    Many professional horsemen and women live jury-rigged personal and business lives with the notion that they are saving money. They are masters at creating jury-rigged: stalls, gates, round pens and indoor arenas.

    Their computers, accounting systems, marketing plans and horse related income streams are "rigged" and lack reliability. Their personal lives have jury-rigged: relationships, organization memberships and finances.

    It's a daily affair of energy sucking tolerations that saves the chronic jury-rigger neither time nor money.

    If you are living in a duct tape world, make a commitment to make permanent repairs to your jury-rigging. You'll feel more confident and in control with every permanent repair you make to tighten up your "horsemanship".

    Speaking about the Horse Business...

    Need a speaker about the horse business for your horse organization?

    Talk to me about talking. Keynotes and workshops available. (716) 434-5371

    Others have said

    "Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together....." -- Carl Zwanzig

    "I do not believe that lack of technique and/or knowledge gives "freedom" in improvising, but rather, the more techniques and knowledge we have - the more choices are open to us in our improvising - and therefore the "freer" we are, because we are less limited." -- Don Ellis

    "One only needs two tools in life: WD-40 to make things go, and duct tape to make them stop." -- G. Weilacher

    Back at the Barn

    Being on a sailboat, close hauled, with a strong and steady breeze is one of my favorite sensations. The boat splashes through the waves at a fast clip, nature is delicately in harness, and life is good.

    Some believe that we have had past lives. If that's true and you asked me to guess what I did in them, I would answer that I was a sailor in one of them.

    And if you asked me where I spent my other past lives, the answer would be simple.

    "Back at the barn, with the horses."

    You can make money in the horse business!
    Doug Emerson photo

    I work with Professional Horsemen who are struggling with the business half of the horse business.

    Just like a top performing horse has a strong foundation, so does a top performing horse business.

    If you've had enough with not enough: time, money or the right people in your horse business, call or e-mail and we can talk, no fee, no pressure, about your business and how I may be able to help you.

    The first step to improvement is up to you.

    Welcome to new subscribers this week. If you know other horsemen who would enjoy this newsletter, please forward it to them!

    I appreciate your help !


    Want to Transform Your Horse Business with More Profit and better balance between work, rest & play?
    istock classroom

    A one day Profitable Horseman workshop can come to your neighborhood! Put together a group of six or more workshop attendees and I'll travel to your location.

    We'll cover strategies for success in the horse business:

    • Creating a three year vision for your business
    • Building a plan for profitability and getting contol of the money
    • Planning the time to plan
    • Leadership within your business
    • Creating customer service
    • The art of selling
    • Marketing methodically
    • Balancing work, rest and play

    Sound like a good idea?

    Ideas only work when put into action.

    Call (716) 434-5371 or email here.

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