As a child, you learned quickly about things that come
in threes: three legs on a stool, three wheels on your
tricycle and three French hens.
A perfect combination of three thoughts, words or
things make for easy memory and understanding.
Some people call the concept of combining three
things the "magic of three". And magic is
good enough for me for an explanation of why three is
such a good number for combinations.
You think in threes all day long. For example:
- Past, present, and the future
- Faith, hope and charity
- Walk, trot and canter
See what I mean?
This week I want to encourage you to think about what
you do in your business and how you can use the
magic of three to come up with the
three big things that you do best when you're
marketing yourself and your business. You
undoubtedly do more than three things in your horse
business very well but, since people aren't going to
remember more than three, come up with the three
A boarding facility operator might say: What
sets our
facility apart from the rest is:
- Community - Your sense of community
and camaraderie among our clients.
- Care - Your horse's care in your absence
and the quality of your experience while you are with
your horse is our staff's mission
- Peace of Mind - Your peace of mind every
day about your horse's well-being allows you to focus
on other important things in your busy life.
A riding instructor might say: What makes our
program special is:
- Friendly - We agree your learning
experience happens best in a positive and friendly
- Goals - Your individual goals, not others,
are the most important for your riding development
- Excitement - You'll be looking forward to
your next riding lesson with excitement' not worry.
A horse trainer might say:
- Ability - Your horse will advance in his
training as fast as he is able to learn; we want him
happy, not pressured beyond his natural ability.
- Future - We start your colts with a polished
finish in mind for the future.
- Your Smile - The smile on your face every
time you ride tells us how well we did our work.
Use the power of three to build your marketing
message. Your well crafted message of your three
best advantages will make you "the one" go to person
in your discipline.
Oh yeah, almost forgot, what do I do in my business?
I help professional horsemen and horsewomen who
don't have enough:
- Time in the day
- Money at the end of the month
- Right kind of employees to get the work