I spent some time in my dentist’s chair this week for a
repair job on a chipped tooth. Like any good repair
shop owner, my dentist uses a system to get
the best
job done in the shortest period of time.
Being the first appointment of the day, I arrived at the
office before the Doc, but that was no problem for his
staff. They were expecting me and got me seated in
the dental chair promptly. My dentist arrived shortly
thereafter and explained to me his plan for repairing
my tooth while the assistant silently gathered tools,
resins and assorted materials for the job. She knew
what to expect and what to do.
Time efficient dentists understand systems and the
importance of a well trained support team to move
through the process of handling large numbers of
patients during
the work day. Appointments are scheduled closely for
the goal of seeing many patients in a short period of
You have probably heard talk between your dentist
and his or her assistant limited to words or phrases
like distal, occlusal plane and aspirate.
It’s essential
abbreviated communication to choreograph a
Business systems are nothing more than a
choreographed work dance.
You are
wondering what a work dance has to do with running
a profitable horse business?
Everything of
course. If you are operating as an instructor, trainer or
horse salesperson, your efficient use of time is
supported by a trained support team.
As an instructor, your clients pay you for your
time in the ring, instructing. Tacking up,
warming up
and cooling out are all parts of the lesson, but those
parts may be best handled by a staff member-your
trained support team.
As a horse trainer, the same parts apply to the
process. The work you do with the horse
on the ground or mounted is the expert work;
haltering the horse, grooming, saddling or
harnessing, cooling, blanketing is all work that is best
done by your team members.
As a seller of horses, your best
salesmanship skills
are put in use as you get to know your customer, his
likes, dislikes, goals. If a prospect is looking at
several horses, your support team will groom, tack
and even ride and demonstrate the horse for sale.
The efficiency of your support team will create a
pleasant and educational experience for the prospect
who will appreciate your professionalism and your
respect for others’ time.
If you are already using staff to keep your “work dance”
flowing, congratulations. If you need to create a better
system for work flow, start the process. Don’t ignore
the input of your staff as you improve your systems;
encourage their participation in the process. The
more they feel they “own” the system, the
better your
results will be.
If you’re growing your solo business, consider getting
time help for your busy times. As an example, peak
lesson periods during weekdays or weekends that
run “on schedule” will generate the extra revenue to
pay the help. If you are mired in the inefficiency
of “doing everything” your revenue is as limited as a
dentist who is his own receptionist, assistant and
Make your own systems to improve your work dance;
you’ll add to your business bottom line and have more
fun doing it.