The Profitable Horseman's Newsletter The only weekly electronic newsletter published for Professional Horsemen.
December 22, 2007

If you are looking for positive results in your horse business, we should have a conversation about how Profitable Horseman strategies can help. E-mail or call me. (716) 434-5371

featuring this week:
  • Horseman's Business Seminar, January 12, 2008 Batavia, NY
  • You Don't Have to Be Rich To Give Unforgettable Gifts
  • Speaking about the Horse Business...
  • Others have said
  • Back at the Barn
  • Horses are Horses-Business is Business-You Ask-I'll Answer!

  • You Don't Have to Be Rich To Give Unforgettable Gifts
    sleigh ride

    No doubt you've spent time in the malls or online this month in a gift buying spree. Experience has taught me that the best part of holiday shopping is being able to check the last item off on the list and to say, "I'm done."

    I wasn't even close to "I'm done" while shopping in Home Depot this week. My hand was test driving a work glove intended for a stocking stuffer for my son. The gloves were cotton and had a rubber waterproof palm - ideal for working in cold and wet conditions.

    I tossed a pair into my shopping cart and as I reached for another pair from the rack, another shopper began to pull pair after pair from the display rack. He smiled and said, "These gloves are great. I'm a contractor. I give them to my guys to use on the job outside. They keep hands warm and dry. You know, as a boss, it pays to keep them happy with little things."

    Later, I thought about that contractor's "random employee kindness." A $ 4.00 pair of gloves for a pair of cold, wet hands on a dismal day has value a hundred times its cost. As you know so well as one who has done plenty of outside jobs, cold hands make for a miserable day. This was not only a kind gesture on the employer's part, but also a good business philosophy.

    I'll grant you that employees work for money, and a gift of a $4.00 pair of gloves won't make a difference in an employee's personal budget. But, the occasional dose of kindness and thoughtfulness carries a value in an employee's head that often goes unrecognized by the boss.

    A dozen donuts for the coffee break or a surprise of company hats and tee shirts leave lasting impressions. And as more evidence, put yourself in the mind set of the employees in the true story following.

    A restaurant owner, learning that three teenaged employees (bus boys and kitchen helper) were off on a weekend trip to visit a friend at college, hands over a hundred dollar bill and says, "Have a good time guys, and please have dinner on me."

    An act of kindness not only makes your employee's day, it might make a difference in yours, too.

    Speaking about the Horse Business...

    Need a speaker about the horse business for your horse organization?

    Talk to me about talking. Keynotes and workshops available. (716) 434-5371

    Others have said

    "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." -- Aesop

    "Thoughtfulness for others, generosity, modesty, and self-respect are the qualities which make a real gentleman or lady." -- Thomas H. Huxley

    "Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses." -- Confucius

    Back at the Barn
    ollie elf

    Take some time to celebrate and be of good cheer.

    A little jolliness can be contagious.

    Horses are Horses-Business is Business-You Ask-I'll Answer!
    DEE photo Dec 07

    What's your question about the business half of the horse business?

    • Marketing ?
    • Financing?
    • Hiring and Firing?
    • Customer Relations?
    • Sales?
    • Balancing Work, Rest and Play?

    E-mail me your question. I'll answer it here in a future newsletter as time and space allow.

    E-mail me your Question for this section by clicking here.


    Horseman's Business Seminar, January 12, 2008 Batavia, NY
    ph logo

    If you're looking for improvement in your horse business in the new year, make plans to attend this seminar on January 12, 2008 from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.

    We'll cover these business strategies and more related to the horse business:

    • Marketing
    • Sales
    • Financial Projections
    • Hiring and keeping good employees
    • Balancing a busy life of work with rest and play

    Each participant will receive a notebook with notes and forms to create a strategic plan for 2008.

    Seminar Fee $ 197

    CLICK Here to learn more.

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