Douglas Emerson Profitable Horseman
Profitable Horseman Newsletter 
June 8, 2010
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Three Things Employees Are Afraid To Tell The Boss

A reader e-mailed recently as a follow up to a Profitable Horseman newsletter about employees from the employer's view:

Have really enjoyed your newsletter and have been getting it for a couple of years.  Now, will you write one from the employee's view.  How to treat people you hire.  We see so much from the employers end, now, lets see an article from the employee's view.

Cathy Johnson

Dear Boss,

I know you're busy all of the time and that's why I'm writing you this note instead of trying to get you to slow down to tell you in person.

First, I just want to tell you I like my job and the people I work with.
And the reason I'm writing is because I'd like to keep working for you. But, in view of the way things are changing, here are three points I offer for your consideration.

1.       I feel my wages are fair and in the range of the "going rate". You may be surprised, but your appreciation for the work I do is  more important than my paycheck.  I don't need lavish praise, just an occasional acknowledgment for getting the job done on time, working late without complaining and being a good team member.

2.       Because I'm committed to the success of the business, I do spend time thinking about how we can do things better and in less time.  When you let me in on things going on in the business and planning for future events, it helps me prepare for change.  I feel more in control of my job responsibilities when I know in advance.  Notice about things like horse shows and clinics at the farm as well as your travel schedule help me be ready to cover added responsibilities.

3.       I know employees are supposed to leave personal problems at home, but no matter how hard I try, I think about home at work, just as I think about work at home.  Sometimes I need some help with personal problems and as you are experienced in life and are a leader, your opinion and advice is important to me.  Once in a while, I need some outside advice and value your opinion; please remember most people aren't as independent or skilled at decision making as you are.

This next sentence may be hard for you to believe.  But, from an employee's perspective, a job is not all about the money.  If money was the top goal for employees, we'd probably all be running our own businesses. 

Don't get me wrong. I want to earn a fair wage, but the three things I mentioned above are more important to me and most other employees than earning top dollar for my position.

Your employee

Others have said

"Being the boss anywhere is lonely. Being a female boss in a world of mostly men is especially so."-- Robert Frost

"The worst mistake a boss can make is not to say 'well done'."--
John Ashcroft
"In my house I'm the boss, my wife is just the decision maker."--
Woody Allen

Back At The Barn

barn windowI recently traveled to North Plains Oregon to present a horse business workshop at beautiful Fallbrooks Farm. Jason Cheney and crew manage a spectacular facility for horses and for hosting clinics and meetings.  Here is what Jason had to say about our meeting in a youtube video click here.

Peter Moon of joined us also for a short course on the benefits of composting horse manure.  I'd met Peter on the phone before and it was terrific to meet him in person. I'm sold on the benefits of his composting systems. If you want the scoop on the ease of composting here is his site:

Last Saturday's Belmont Stakes left my pick,Ice Box, in the "also ran" category.  After his close second in the Derby, the odds makers had him as the favorite. Like the old joke goes, a race horse is an animal that can take thousands of people for a ride at the same time.

Winning horse, Drosselmeyer, (bet you can't say that fast 3 times)  loved the long mile and a half work out.

I've been watching the Secretariat Movie trailer; the film will be thrilling to watch and we already know we get a happy ending.  I'm hoping the movie gives the horse racing industry a boost it sorely needs.

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I work with professional horsemen and women struggling with the business half of the horse business.

If your business is in need of a spring tune up, contact me about how I can help.
Until next time,


Doug Emerson
Profitable Horseman Deewochagall
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