Douglas Emerson Profitable Horseman
Profitable Horseman Newsletter 
November 9, 2010
Do You Know This Shortcut To Growing Your Business?

I bought a book twenty five years ago for my business library that has been an exceptional investment.

The book's pages are dog eared from use over time and filled with pencil and ink notes.  I paid $8.95 for it; its value to me now is at least ten thousand times that.

Each chapter is filled with sound business advice on how to improve your business and your personal lives.

Chapter 9 has been particularly helpful for me and I'm sure its contents could be the boost your business needs.

It's all about the value of being a member of a MasterMind group.

Don't be alarmed. A mastermind group is not a collection of white coated evil scientists plotting to take over the world.  It's a group of forward thinking individuals who agree several minds working on a problem or goal is far better than just their own.

The author describes a mastermind as "a coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people for the attainment of a definite purpose"

More simply stated, a mastermind group is a collection of like-minded individuals interested in improving their businesses and themselves by meeting on a regular schedule and capitalizing on the collective thinking of the group.

I've been in a mastermind group for over five years. The benefits I've recognized:

  • Fresh thinking and discovery of new possibilities for solutions to problems
  • Shared business experience between members
  • Staying positive and continued pursuit of goals
  • Shortens and flattens the learning curve
  • Accountability for your performance to the group

Distance prevents our group from meeting face to face on a regular basis, but an easy conference call at a scheduled time solves the geography problem.

Your mastermind group could be two to eight people. More than eight in a group can be troublesome to manage. You might seek help from your group for the following subjects:

  • Raising prices
  • New Programs or Services
  • Handling Difficult Employees
  • Launching marketing programs
  • Getting organized

If you're aim is to do great things with your business in 2011, start working on joining or forming a mastermind group now.

Oh, I almost forgot, the book I mentioned is "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. It was first published in 1937. It is the grand daddy of most business books published since.

If you don't own it, get it. You won't be disappointed.


Others have said...


"You can get everything in life you want, if you'll just help other people get what they want."

--Zig Ziglar

"Power consists in one's capacity to link his will with the purpose of others, to lead by reason and a gift of cooperation." --Woodrow Wilson


"What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." -Napoleon Hill

Back At The Barn
I didn't read any reviews of the movie Secretariat before my trip to the theatre a couple of weeks ago to watch Disney's version of the Secretariat story. I was looking forward to a couple of hours of relaxation away from the barn and a dinner size box of popcorn without any preconceived ideas about the flick.

It's a great telling of the Big Red story and convincing enough to have you rooting for him in each race even though you already know the outcome.

John Malkovich is outstanding as trainer Lucien Lauren and adds much energy to this feel-good movie. You're not a true horse lover if this film doesn't bring a smile to your face and a drop of a tear to the corner of your eye.

Stop Arena Dust Once And For All

MAG FlakesIf your indoor looks like a dust storm whenever someone rides, MAG Flakes are the perfect solution for solving the indoor arena dust headache.

They work for me.

Learn more by clicking here.

Until next time,


Doug Emerson
Profitable Horseman   (716) 434-5371
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