Douglas Emerson Profitable Horseman
Profitable Horseman Newsletter
April 25, 2008 
In This Issue
If You Run With Scissors, You Don't Need to Read This
Others Have Said
Back At The Barn

If You Run With Scissors, You Don't Need to Read This


scissors Mamma, just like her Mamma, reminded all of us never to run with scissors, knives or any sharp objects. 
It's good motherly advice to heed and pass on to the next generation.  Presumably, this advice has saved countless injuries to children and obedient adults.   


But, Mama forgot to tell us about running with dull objects.  They too, are just as dangerous to your personal health.  Dull objects take many forms as both animate and inanimate objects. 


You'd never run with scissors, but are you guilty of running, figuratively speaking, with dull items like these?


  • Dull riding lessons
  • Dull advertising and offers
  • Dull  friends
  • Dull  clients
  • Dull buildings and grounds
  • Dull summer riding camps
  • Dull clothing
  • Dull business models
  • Dull clinics
  • Dull conversations


If you said yes to any of the above, you're normal.  Everybody falls into the dull rut from time to time.  But, dullness doesn't have to be a chronic condition, either.  If you are getting my point, then consider:


Dull Businesses deliver Dull Profits.


Escaping the dull-drums is not difficult, but the sharpening process relies on you to furnish the energy to liven things up.


Personal tips to reduce dullardism:


  • Walk faster
  • Ask Why?  more often
  • Daydream
  • Vary your speaking volume and pace
  • Use gestures
  • Dress like a winner
  • Read a novel on the best seller list
  • Avoid cluster discussions about gas mileage and the price of gas
  • Add spice or hot sauce to your daily regimen as needed
  • Improve your posture
  • Smile often



Professional tips to defeat dull:


  • Have a client appreciation event
  • Apply a fresh coat of paint to stale walls
  • Talk frequently about industry issues with other professionals
  • Attend a national level horse show or conference involving your discipline (s)
  • Volunteer to help industry organizations as a committee chairman or director
  • Be a contrarian
  • Be the social director organizing cocktail parties, dinners and excursions for prospects and clients
  • Memorize a funny story or joke to tell when and where appropriate
  • Schedule days off work and take them
  • Speak less often-listen more often-the world is desperate for the brilliance of a good listener


Being dull is comfortable, but it generally does not pay well.  If you think about  the successful people in the horse business and other businesses, dull is not part of their personality description.


I suspect successful people, as kids,  were scissors runners.


As successful adults, they not only run with sharp objects, they juggle several at a time.






Others Have Said 

"I believe more in the scissors than I do in the pencil."  --  Truman Capote 


 "Dull is your default switch to remain in your comfort zone." --Annon.

"For the first time ever I was taking the family on the road. We stayed with my in-laws, which on life's list of experiences ranks right below sitting in a tub full of scissors."--

Jeff Foxworthy
Back At The Barn 




Our fourteen year old son, Charles, is happiest when watching do it yourself building shows on TV and walking around the farm with a tape measure clipped to his belt and a hammer in his hand.


Growing feet prompted a need to buy new work boots.  He selected a pair on line from Zappos and placed his order one evening.

Although regular shipment was ordered, he told me the next day that his new boots were shipped already and would be arriving that day!
Keep in mind, new work boots is exciting stuff for a Norm Abram wannabe.
The package arrived and in great anticipation he hurriedly opened the box to see his brand new ...........purse.
If you think running with scissors is risky, just try angering a teenage carpenter with a messed up order!
He saw no humor in my comment that the leather purse would match his wardrobe nicely.
Zappos fixed their error immediately and the boots arrived two days later with a $ 25.00 off coupon on the next purchase.


Need A Speaker About The Horse Business? 
Call or e-mail me about possibilities for your event.
Call me (716) 434-5371.
Hay, fuel, bedding costs are up, profits are down? I work with professional horsemen struggling with the business half of the horse business.
Contact me to discuss your situation and the possibilities.
Until next week,

Doug Emerson
Profitable Horseman Deewochagall
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